Vocal Classes

Ages 6–18
  • Vocal Roots: Building Core Skills

    Do you have a little experience, but are still building core foundational skills like matching pitch with another singer, producing a clear vocal tone, or proper breathing techniques to help you get the most from your voice? In this class, you will learn rhythms and note values, dynamics, how to sing intervals like thirds, fifths, and octaves, and how to memorize words and melodies and sing along with a group. Students can expect to spend, on average, up to four terms in a Roots level class before moving on to Rockers level. 

    Prerequisite: Ages 6–18.

    • Ages:
    • Fees (Per 10-week Term):
  • Want to move onto the next level? Find the Vocal Roots Group Class Benchmarks here.

  • Glee Club

    Do you have a child with a passion for singing, dancing, and performing? Join us in Glee Club! Students will develop their skills as a musician and performer in a positive and encouraging environment while having loads of fun learning popular and classic pop and musical theater tunes. 

    In our revitalized Glee Club, students will explore the fundamentals of musical performance like pitch, reading melodies, harmonizing with others, and soloist skills—while also learning lively choreography that will bring the entire “show” together. This amazing program will be filled with fun, joy, and musical excellence.

    • Ages:
    • Fees (Per 10-week Term):
  • Vocal Rockers: Mastering Core Skills

    Have you been singing for a while and can sing a few simple songs comfortably and consistently, solo or with a group? Do you have all the skills covered in Vocal Roots? In Vocal Rockers, you will work on mastering these skills while learning about harmonies, scales (solfege), range expansion, and more challenging intervals. You will also have the opportunity to sing solos and learn the essentials of superlative performance techniques. Students can expect, on average, to spend several terms at the Rockers level, often a full year as they grow and develop their musical strength and confidence.

    Prerequisite: Ages 6–18. Must demonstrate Vocal Roots Benchmarks success or have instructor recommendation.

    • Ages:
    • Fees (Per 10-week Term):
  • Want to move onto the next level? Find the Vocal Rockers Group Class Benchmarks here.

  • Vocal Rollers: Moving Beyond Foundations

    Have you been singing for at least a year and have a solid foundation of vocal skills? Rollers students move beyond foundational skills into more advanced mastery vocal technique. This class also focuses on skills necessary for singing in an ensemble or band. Length of time in a Rollers class varies from student to student depending on independent goals. Students who have mastered the Rollers benchmarks typically move into private lessons and/or rock bands.

    Prerequisite: Must demonstrate Vocal Rollers Benchmarks success or have instructor recommendations. Ages 8-18.

    • Ages:
    • Fees (Per 10-week Term):
  • Want to move onto the next level? Find the Vocal Roller Group Class Benchmarks here.

🎶 Spring Break Week is Monday, 3/24 through Saturday, 3/29
No Classes or Lessons during Spring Break.
Spring Term Resumes March 31st! 🎸