Violin Classes

Ages 6–18
  • Violin Roots: Building Core Skills

    Are you new to the Violin? Do you have a little experience playing and are still building core foundational skills like learning the string names and numbers, how to tune, good body and hand technique while using the violin and the bow? In this class you will learn some sweet simple single string melodies and riffs, note names and values and where to find them on both the musical staff and the violin. You’ll learn an one octave scale and 3 major scales in a single position, and all about music dynamics. Students can expect to spend, on average, up to four terms in a Roots level class before moving on to Rockers level. 

    Prerequisite: 6 years and up

    • Ages:
    • Fees (Per 10-week Term):

    Want to move onto the next level? Find the Violin Roots Group Class Benchmarks here.

  • Violin Rockers: Mastering Core Skills

    Have you been playing the violin for a while and can play a few simple songs comfortably and consistently? Can you play in rhythm with other violinists and musicians?   This class will help you master the foundational skills you learned in Violin Roots by learning new and more difficult songs and techniques. You’ll work on mastering reading notes of the page while creating great tone production so all of your notes ring out strong and on pitch. You’ll be introduced to more difficult rhythms and intervals and learn even more major and minor scales and where to play them on the violin. Students can expect, on average, to spend several terms at the Rockers level, often a full year as they grow and develop their musical strength and confidence.

    Prerequisite: Demonstrate Violin Roots Benchmarks &/or Instructor Recommendation

    • Ages:
    • Fees (Per 10-week Term):

    Want to move onto the next level? Find the Violin Rockers Group Class Benchmarks here.

🎶 YMP will be closed on Monday, 1/20, for Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. No classes or lessons. 🎸