Ukulele Classes

Ages 6–18
  • Ukulele Seedlings (5 & 6 year-olds)

    Learn some sweet, simple string melodies and riffs, how to read and play a song using tablature, how to read a chord grid, and learn a handful of chords so you can strum some of your favorite songs. Ukulele Seedlings is a class for students who are new to the Ukulele. Students in this age range typically take this class for multiple terms to master the skills taught at this level.

    Prerequisite: 5 or 6 years old

    • Ages:
    • Fees (Per 10-week Term):
  • Ukulele Roots

    Learn some sweet, simple string melodies and riffs, how to read and play a song using tablature, how to read a chord grid, and learn a handful of chords so you can strum some of your favorite songs. Ukulele Roots is a class for students who are new to the Ukulele. Students in this age range typically take this class for multiple terms to master the skills taught at this level.

    • Ages:
    • Fees (Per 10-week Term):
  • Island Vibes

    Grab your sunglasses and a ukulele to enjoy some island tunes and traditions through this cultural Hawaiian journey! We will explore many songs made with just 2 or 3 chords and a few fun rhythms. We will explore Hawaiian culture, dancing, food, and a little language to bring the island to our classroom! No prior experience necessary. Great for beginners!

    • Ages:
    • Fees (Per 10-week Term):
  • Ukulele Rockers: Mastering Core Skills

    Have you been playing the ukulele for a bit and can play a few simple songs and chords? Do you know how to tune, how to read tablature, and can play in rhythm with other uke-sters?   Do you regularly use more than one finger on the neck of the instrument? This class will help you master the foundational skills you learned in Ukulele Roots. We’ll smooth out the transitions between strumming chords, learn some more strum patterns, learn about the pentatonic and major scale, learn more chords, read chord charts, learn position based riffs, introduce the musical staff and standard notation, and strengthen your ability to play along with others. Students can expect, on average, to spend several terms at the Rockers level, often a full year as they grow and develop their musical strength and confidence.

    Prerequisite: Demonstrate Ukulele Roots Benchmarks &/or Instructor Recommendation

    • Ages:
    • Fees (Per Term):

    🎶 Spring Break Week is Monday, 3/24 through Saturday, 3/29
    No Classes or Lessons during Spring Break.
    Spring Term Resumes March 31st! 🎸