Tuition Assistance

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    Apply for Tuition Assistance with Youth Music Project
  • Tuition Assistance

    Youth Music Project is honored to offer sliding-scale Tuition Assistance to all eligible students.

    Sliding-scale eligibility (100%-free, 75%-free, or 50%-free) is determined by income level, and capped at 305% of the Federal Poverty Line, or by placement in foster care.

    Those who qualify may register at no-cost or reduced rates, for one weekly class or lesson per term and one week-long summer camp per year.

    Tuition Assistance is contingent upon availability of funds and enrollment percentage thresholds.     

    • Students receiving Tuition Assistance must complete a group class before enrolling in private lessons. After a student has successfully completed a group class, they may apply their tuition assistance towards either one group class per term or one 30-minute private lesson per week.
    • Students receiving Tuition Assistance are also eligible for free or reduced cost instrument rentals while enrolled with us.     
    • If a student would like to register for more than one group class per term, camp per summer, or ongoing private lesson, standard rates will apply for each additional registration.
    • To be considered for Tuition Assistance, Youth Music Project must receive current eligibility documentation, outlined below. The document must include the student’s name, current dates, and must be received and approved before the student can enroll at reduced or no-cost.
    • Unfortunately, we are unable to reserve or hold spots in classes or lessons for students with expired or pending tuition assistance approval.  Thank you for your understanding.  
    • Adult students may only qualify for tuition assistance if they are still in high school. If a student is approved for tuition assistance before they turn 18, their tuition assistance will continue after their 18th birthday through the approved year. However, they may only reapply in the fall if they are still in high school and their household income meets our requirements.
    • Tuition Assistance is awarded on a rolling basis throughout the year and approved through the end of the calendar year of the year applied and approved.
    • Tuition Assistance eligibility must be renewed, annually.  Recipients must reapply every fall to be eligible for the following calendar year. 


  • Accepted Documentation

    Youth Music Project accepts the following documents:

    • OHP Approval Letters: Current Medicaid (household adult and child) or CHIP (child) enrollment
    • Food Assistance Approval Letters: Current SNAP or WIC benefit enrollment
    • Some Free/Reduced School Meal Letters*
    • The most recent year’s 1040 Tax form with income and dependents listed (please redact social security numbers)
    • Proof that the child is currently in foster care
    Free/Reduced School Meal letters must demonstrate eligibility based on personal status, not school status.

    Application Process

    Step 1: Create a Customer Account

    To apply for Tuition Assistance, first create a Customer Account, either at our registration site or by contacting Youth Music Project Front Desk Staff. Once you have created an account and added your children as family members, proceed to Step 2.

    Step 2: Documentation

    Please send us a copy of your Documentation (see above) for each child you wish to be considered for tuition assistance.

    You can:

    • Scan the documentation and send it via email to

    • Make a copy of the documentation and mail it to Youth Music Project, c/o Tuition Assistance, 2015 8th Avenue, West Linn, OR 97068.

    • Provide a physical copy of the documentation to the Front Desk Staff at Youth Music Project.

    Step 3: Email Confirmation

    Once we have reviewed and approved your application, you will receive an email confirmation with instructions on how to register.

    Step 4: Choose your Group Class

    Choose the group class in which you would like to enroll. After successful completion of a group class term, students are eligible to use their Tuition Assistance to register for private lessons.
    Students can also register for one week of summer camp per year. Summer Camp registration typically opens in late February each year. Tuition Assistance is contingent upon availability of funds and enrollment percentage thresholds.

    Step 5: Apply Annually

    Reapply during September and October of each year by submitting updated documentation. An email reminder will be sent to current recipients when the renewal process is open. Renewal is required annually, and you must be approved to receive Tuition Assistance in the following calendar year.

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🎶 Spring Break Week is Monday, 3/24 through Saturday, 3/29
No Classes or Lessons during Spring Break.
Spring Term Resumes March 31st! 🎸