Piano Classes

Ages 4–18
  • Piano Seedling: Planting Core Skills

    Designed for our youngest pianists, your preschooler will learn keyboard geography, rhythm, theory, and more while singing, dancing, and tickling a few ivories. Join us to build a musical foundation rooted in FUN!

    Students may re-take Piano Seedlings several times while they are 4 and 5 years old. Repertoire will be changed from term to term while still practicing foundational piano skills.

    When Piano Seedlings students turn 6, they should move to Piano Roots Level Two for Ages 6-7.

    • Ages:
    • Fees (Per 10-week Term):

    Want to move onto the next level? Find the benchmarks for Seedlings 1 here and Seedlings 2 here.

  • Piano Roots: Building Core Skills

    Are you new to the Piano? Do you have a little experience playing and are still building core foundational skills like learning the musical alphabet, note names and values, finger numbers, and where to find the notes on the keyboard? In this class you will learn some sweet simple songs, learn about time signatures, tempos, the musical staff, and how to play together with your class.

    Students can expect to spend, on average, two to three terms in a Roots level class before moving on to a Rockers level piano class or a beginner rock band.

     Piano Roots Level One and Piano Roots Level 2 are specifically for students ages 6-7. The pacing of the class is targeted at early elementary students.

    The Piano Roots classes for older age groups (ages 8-12  and ages 13+) are also designed with students’ maturity in mind and move at a faster pace than classes for younger students.

    • Ages:
    • Fees (Per 10-week Term):

    Want to move onto the next level? Find the benchmarks for Piano Roots 1 (ages 6-7) here, Piano Roots 2 (ages 6-7) here, Find Piano Roots (ages 8+) here.

  • Piano Rockers: Mastering Core Skills

    Have you been playing the piano for a while and can read the notes on the Grand Staff and identify them on the keyboard? Do you know your finger numbers and note values? This class will help you master these skills and introduce more challenging songs while playing chords, scales, basic tools for improvising, and how to use your right and left hand more fluidly. Students can expect, on average, to spend several terms at the Rockers level, often a full year as they grow and develop their musical strength and confidence.

    Prerequisite: Demonstrate Piano Roots Benchmarks &/or Instructor Recommendation. Ages 6-18.

    • Ages:
    • Fees (Per 10-week Term):

    Want to move onto the next level? Find the Piano Rocker Group Class Benchmarks here.

  • Piano Rollers: Moving Beyond Foundation

    Have you been playing for at least a year and have a solid foundation on your instrument? Piano Rollers students move beyond foundational skills into more advanced mastery of the piano.

    Length of time in a Rollers class varies from student to student depending on independent goals. Students who have mastered the Rollers benchmarks typically move into private lessons and/or rock bands.

    Prerequisite: Must demonstrate Piano Rockers Benchmarks success or have instructor recommendations. Ages 6-18.

    • Ages:
    • Fees (Per 10-week Term):

    Want to move onto the next level? Find the Piano Roller Group Class Benchmarks here.

🎶 Spring Break Week is Monday, 3/24 through Saturday, 3/29
No Classes or Lessons during Spring Break.
Spring Term Resumes March 31st! 🎸