Lisa Marie Garver

  • Lisa Marie Garver
    LEE-suh Ma-ree

  • What is your teaching philosophy?

    I believe that anyone can learn to sing/play, perform, and be creative through regular practice and a growth mindset. 

    How long have you been teaching music?

    I have been teaching music on and off since 2011.

    What is your favorite thing about teaching music?

    I love the moment when a student who has been struggling realizes they conquered something. 

    What do you expect of your students?

    I expect consistent but not rigorous practice. 30 minutes every day makes a world of difference! I also expect them to be open to making mistakes and overcoming that fear and frustration.


    About Lisa

    Lisa Marie Garver is a singer/songwriter with a passion for community music. Lisa is primarily a vocalist and guitarist but also plays piano, uke, and recorder. Lisa graduated in 2011 from Berklee College of Music with a degree in Professional Music (Music Ed Emphasis) and graduated from Western Oregon University with a Masters in Vocal Performance (Jazz, MT, and Folk). Lisa has taught in public schools, private studios, and afterschool programs. Her teaching style combines general music methodologies, CCM, folk/pop music and styles from the US. She has collaborated with other performers and teachers, learned songs and techniques, and taught music in Boston MA, South Africa, Kenya, and Guatemala. Lisa believes very firmly that music is fun-work. In other words, her classroom is a place where technical skills (aural/physical/and oral); musical knowledge; and free musical play/improvisation join to make magical, musical moments.

🎶 Spring Break Week is Monday, 3/24 through Saturday, 3/29
No Classes or Lessons during Spring Break.
Spring Term Resumes March 31st! 🎸