Jeydon Griffiths | Instructor Bio

  • Jeydon Griffiths
    Jey-don (Jaid-on)

  • What is your teaching philosophy?
    Everyone can learn something. No one is left behind, and it is important to discover how each student learns best and then apply that to lessons. Not to mention… music should be fun! I like having a lesson plan, but one that allows wiggle room for musical experimentation.

    How long have you been teaching music? At YMP?
    I first started teaching music as a YMP intern in June of 2018, and then I became a YMP instructor before the 2021 spring term.

    What is your favorite thing about teaching music?
    Seeing students’ eyes light up when something they have been working suddenly makes sense, and I also love being able to help provide an outlet for self-expression.

    What do you expect of your students in classes/lessons?
    Respect, openness, and excitement. It is also optimal for them to come to class ready to learn and have fun, practice at least a few times a week, and to come in with their materials and ideas about what they want to discover.

    About Jeydon
    Jeydon Griffiths was born and raised in Oregon, with art and music strongly intertwined into their life from the beginning. Sketch books from over the years are piled high, going back to age 4, and since guitar at age 8 Jeydon has picked up several other instruments over the years, including bass, drums, piano, and some ukulele. They fell in love with video art and filming after taking several classes at Portland State University, in addition to audio/music recording due to classes at Clackamas Community College, PSU, and various YMP projects. As for performing, Jeydon is no stranger to the stage after being a part of YMP’s intern band for 2.5 years. Jeydon believes in many forms of self-expression, highly values creativity, curiosity, and community, and hopes to encourage and cultivate these in others.



Spring Term Group Class and Summer Camp Registration Opens Monday, 2/24 @ 8am