Ways to Support

  • Donate today and give the gift of music!

    Music is powerful in mysterious ways. It’s magical ability to captivate the body, illuminate the mind, inspire the spirit, and move and bring people together in ways nothing else does has profound impacts on musician, listener, and the community at large. 

    Every week at Youth Music Project the power of music sings for hundreds of kids in our community in a welcoming, fun, and supportive musical community that they can call their own. Students are encouraged and supported to take risks, make mistakes, experience success, gain confidence, learning, and growing through musical exploration. We know that the gift of music in a child’s life can become the soundtrack they need to power through tough times and celebrate their milestones. That’s why we provide state-of-the-art music education programs free to any student who qualifies for the federal free or reduced lunch program, SNAP benefits or is currently enrolled in foster care – because music creates resilience, understanding, curiosity, confidence, and so much more.

    Please join us in making music accessible to ALL kids!

  • Fred Meyer Community Rewards
    Is Freddie’s your store? Set up a digital account and link your rewards card to YMP. Every time you shop, a percentage of your spending is donated to YMP by Fred Meyer. Learn more

  • Instrument Donation
    Is a guitar getting dusty in the corner? Kids outgrew their drums? Let YMP take it off your hands and put it to good use. Gain more space at home and support YMP at the same time! Call the front desk at 503-616-5967 or email to coordinate a donation.

  • Oregon BottleDrop
    Oregon Bottle Drop makes it super easy to return bottles and cans AND support your favorite non-profit in three easy steps. 1) Contact the front desk to pick up prelabeled blue bags. 2) Fill with OR deposit containers – plastic, aluminum and glass all go in the same bag. 3) Return blue bags to any BottleDrop location, the label on the blue bag will open the secure door drop. The bags are counted and credited directly into our fundraising BottleDrop account! Learn more

  • Facebook Fundraisers
    Did you know you are only four clicks away from creating a fundraiser for YMP on Facebook? It is easy to set up and easy for your network of friends to support a non-profit you feel passionate about – YMP! Learn more

  • Volunteer
    We appreciate everything our volunteers do to help keep YMP such a great organization. Throughout the year we have a range of volunteer opportunities available. By volunteering with YMP, you make it possible for kids of all ages to expand and explore their musical and artistic abilities.  Learn more

  • In Memory of Justin Birge
    A gift made in Justin’s memory will help provide free music lessons and summer camps to students in our community, directly supporting access to music education for those who are otherwise unable to afford it. Give today.

  • Questions?

    Please contact us directly to learn about making donations of stocks, vehicles or planned giving options.

  • Thank you for your investment in YMP

🎶 Spring Break Week is Monday, 3/24 through Saturday, 3/29
No Classes or Lessons during Spring Break.
Spring Term Resumes March 31st! 🎸