Piano Lessons for Kids - Free Lesson

  • Ready To Get Started? Sign Up For A Free 30 Min Lesson Book Now


    Our free piano lesson is perfect for kids who would like to try out the piano before spending any money on private lessons!


  • Youth Music Project:
    Music education that engages every student.

    Our mission

    To provide outstanding rock, pop, and country music education for youth by offering tuition assistance, instrument rentals, and exceptional, state-of-the-art performance opportunities.

  • Feed two birds with one scone. Learn the Piano!

    Why is piano the #1 first music lessons instrument? Well, in addition to its featured role in just about every style of music, it’s also a powerful visual tool to learn music! The keyboard layout allows players to not just hear their melodies (single notes) and harmonies (multiple notes) ringing into the air, but to see them, too. In other words, learning to play the piano is a great way to learn an instrument and learn how music is constructed and organized! Feeding two birds with one scone. Take your piano playing and understanding of music to the next level with one of our pro piano instructors! Sign up for a free trial lesson today!

    • Ages:
      5 and up
    • Virtual Trial Lesson
  • Join the Fun!

    Do you want to see if music lessons are right for your child without the commitment of a full term? Sign up below for a free 30-min introductory lesson. If your child loves it, we'll make it super easy to keep the fun going!

  • Parents and students love learning at Youth Music Project!


    Youth Music Project is an amazing organization. It provides such a fun, music-driven learning environment for kids of all walks of life. Their programs give children a unique opportunity to learn and love music that they might not otherwise ever experience.
    -YMP Parent


    Due to such popular demand, we are temporarily pausing free trial lessons through the month of June. If you would like to be contacted when availability opens back up, please complete the form below with your contact information and instrument of interest.


🎶 Spring Break Week is Monday, 3/24 through Saturday, 3/29
No Classes or Lessons during Spring Break.
Spring Term Resumes March 31st! 🎸