Experienced on an instrument? Contact our front desk to schedule your quick assessment to sign up for advanced classes at 503.616.5967 or email info@youthmusicproject.org.
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Bucket Drumming
“We got the beat!” In this class we’ll explore rhythm and beats with bucket drums. This energetic class is a great starting point for beginner musicians who want to rock out on the drums, but aren’t quite big enough yet for the full kit. Bucket Drumming focuses on the fundamentals of rhythmic comprehension, with a core understanding of meter, duration, and notation. Students will gain tools to internalize a song’s pulse, subdivide beats, and replicate rhythmic patterns with proper technique. Students will also develop a strong base of ear-training in rhythm and melody. These skills will support students in advancing to Drum Roots or Rock Band classes.
- Ages:6-8
- Fees (Per 10-week Term):$175
Drum Roots: Building Core Skills
Are you new to the drums? Do you have a little experience playing and are still building core foundational skills like learning the names of the different drums, correct body, hand and feet posture on the drum kit, and some cool drumbeats like the Rock two beat? In this class you will learn some sweet simple grooves and beats, learn about time signatures, tempos, dynamics, drum notation, and how to play together with your class. Students can expect to spend, on average, up to four terms in a Roots level class before moving on to the more intermediate Rockers level.
- Ages:8–18
- Fees (Per 10-Week Term):$175
Want to move onto the next level? Find the Drums Roots Group Class Benchmarks here.
Drum Rockers: Mastering Core Skills
Have you been playing the drums for a while and can play a couple of different types of drum beats for an entire song? Do you have all the skills from Drum Roots class? This class will help you master these skills and introduce more challenging techniques such as moving between the ride and hi-hat, playing more difficult tempos, and employing some seriously sweet drum fills. Students can expect, on average, to spend several terms at the Rockers level, often a full year as they grow and develop their musical strength and confidence.
Prerequisite: Demonstrate Drum Roots Benchmarks &/or Instructor Recommendation.
- Ages:8–18
- Fees (Per 10-Week Term):$175
Want to move onto the next level? Find the Drums Rockers Group Class Benchmarks here.
Drum Rollers
Drum Rollers have completed Drum Roots and Drum Rockers at Youth Music Project or already have a lot of experience on the drums. Drum Rollers will continue to build on the skills and techniques they learned in Drum Rockers while also integrating new skills!
Prerequisite: Demonstrate Drum Rockers Benchmarks &/or Instructor Recommendation.
- Ages:8–18
- Fees (Per 10-Week Term):$175